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October 16: “The coexistence of obesity and hunger in LAC” RUTE-AL Webinar

The complex paradox of the coexistence of obesity and hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) will be the subject of the next webinar of the Latin American University Telemedicine Network (RUTE-AL) on Wednesday, October 16, at 19:00 GMT.

Experts in nutrition, public health, and food security will examine the structural and social factors driving this phenomenon, from malnutrition in vulnerable populations to the alarming rise in obesity-related chronic diseases.

Confirmed participants include Dr. Luis Bermeo, a public health and nutrition surgeon from Hospital Metropolitano in Quito, Ecuador; Dr. Raquel Santiago, a nutritionist, chef, and public health professor at the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil; Mag. Dyana Sepúlveda Caro, a nutritionist and expert from RUTE-Chile; and Prof. Maria Rita Marques de Oliveira, a Ph.D. in Food Sciences and Associate Professor at the Biosciences Institute of São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil.  . The session will be moderated by Andrea Cáceres, a communications analyst from the Sustainability and Social Responsibility Division of the Ecuadorian Progressive Network (CEDIA).

This interdisciplinary dialogue aims to develope effective strategies to address these challenges in the region, drawing on experiences from different countries and ongoing projects. It will explore comprehensive, evidence-based approaches to address both issues simultaneously, highlighting the importance of nutritioneducation, promoting healthy habits and implementing public policies that ensure equitable access to nutritious and sustainable foods.

Participation in the webinar "The Coexistence of Obesity and Hunger in LAC" is free of charge but requires registration. To register, please visit or scan the QR code in the image.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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