RedCLARA is responsible for the implementation and management of the network infrastructure that interconnects the Latin American National Research and Education Networks (NRENs), and through them, a large number of universities and research centers. Thus, scientific-academic communities and many projects that lacked an adequate infrastructure to support their initiatives are now moving forward and collaborating, contributing to the development of science, education, research and innovation in Latin America.
RedCLARA's backbone is composed of eight main routed nodes, connected in a point-to-point topology. Each main node (IP - Internet Protocol) represents a PoP (Point of Presence) for RedCLARA, seven of them are located in a Latin American country - Argentina (Buenos Aires), Brazil (Fortaleza, Porto Alegre and São Paulo), Chile (Santiago), Ecuador (Manta), Panama (Panama City) - and the eighth in the United States (Miami).
All connections to RedCLARA from the South American national networks are through one of these nodes which, in turn, are connected by a ring of 100 Gbps or more. For Central American countries RedCLARA has a 20 Gbps capacity infrastructure that is divided among the participating countries.
To connect to the world, RedCLARA uses mainly the Miami node, where it exchanges data with the Internet2 (United States) and CANARIE (Canada) networks, and also the Fortaleza node where it interconnects with GÉANT (Europe) and TENET (Africa).