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Connection to the Advanced Networks

RedCLARA's central service is the connectivity to its advanced academic backbone for the National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) of Latin America that are part it; this connection allows affiliated networks to communicate with universities, research centers and the scientific community worldwide and to distribute this same connectivity to its partner institutions. This communication is done through a dedicated network, without congestion, which is independent of the commercial Internet network. It guarantees a high quality of services and a fast and safe transit for the academic data.

RedCLARA is interconnected to peer networks worldwide such as GÉANT (Europe), Internet2 (United States), CANARIE (Canada), TEIN*CC (Asia), WACREN (West and Central Africa), UbuntuNet Alliance (East and Southern Africa), ASREN (Arab States), among others.

RedCLARA interconnects 11 Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay) with a backbone of an average capacity of 10 Gbit/sec links. The national academic network of each of these connected countries take this connection to the main universities and research centers, interconnecting within Latin America, over 1300 institutions.

With all this available capability, RedCLARA offers a variety of specialized connectivity services, including: IPv6 traffic transport, Multicast, level 2 circuits connection to any other academic network, virtualized backbone with no speed limit between Latin American NRENs and Commercial Internet. All these services are provided through links with route protection, which means high availability to meet the requirements of its members. If an academic institution tries to access a university and has excellent connection quality, it is very likely that it is already channeling its traffic through RedCLARA.

The map shows the current structure of RedCLARA and the capacity of its network.


In order to connect to RedCLARA, the interested scientific, academic and/or research institutions must be integrated to the National Research and Education Network (RNPE) of its country of origin. The connection to RedCLARA is only possible through these networks which, in turn, must be members of the regional network. To do this, they must accredit its existence, be a non-profit institution and sign CLARA Statutes. Only one NREN per country can be part of and have connection to the RedCLARA network.

Among the main benefits of connecting to RedCLARA are the following:

  • Access to large capacities in a 10 Gbps backbone network that connects 11 Latin American countries and 134 globally.

  • Affiliates have a dedicated network, independent of the commercial Internet, connected to more than 18,700 academic and research institutions globally. 

  • The network offers unlimited bandwidth communication to send or receive data to any academic institution worldwide.

  • Advanced services are available that cannot be obtained in commercial networks without a high investment of money, such as dedicated circuits (layer 2) to interconnect institutions, laboratories, observatories and data centers, among others.

  • Access to an active global community with large networking projects for research and education.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects