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Attention National Networks: Call to participate in the room certification plan


Through 14 questions available online, institutions member of the NRENs connected to RedCLARA will be able to identify the best parameters of audio and video quality for each one of their rooms and make videoconferencing service a successful experience.

plan de certificación de salasThe associated institutions of the national networks connected to RedCLARA are invited to participate in the "Rooms Certification Plan" in order to register and certify the Videoconferencing rooms, Operation Videoconference Centers (COVI) and terminal points users.

With this initiative, Operation Videoconference Center (VNOC) of RedCLARA, seeks to avoid incidents that can occur when making a videoconference with high-quality transmission, where if there are not the configuration and ambience required features, can happen problems related with the image (pixelated, black, distorted) or sound (noise, interference, feedback), among others.

The registration process, available online, through 14 questions allow identifying the best parameters of audio and video quality for each one of their room to make every videoconferencing a successful experience. To start the process of room certification test, see the following link and perform registration:

For more information, questions or comments you may contact the email account or Skype user: vnoc.redclara.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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