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Call for higher education institutions and Chambers of Industry and Trade

In order to know the state of supply and demand for training in the field of innovation management, science and technology in Latin America and the Caribbean, COLCIENCIAS, IOHE and RedCLARA call higher education institutions and industrial and trade chambers, to participate in three surveys.


In the "Second Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean", held in Guanajuato (Mexico) in March 2011, key issues on the agenda of innovation, science and technology of the countries in the region were addressed. The training of managers for innovation in both the university and industry sectors was one of those issues, but to develop a training program of the main stakeholders of the triple helix in Science, Technology and Innovation (ScTI), it is necessary to begun the process by conducting a deep analysis of supply and demand for existing education and training in Latin America and the Caribbean in the field of technology and innovation management. That's the goal behind the development and implementation of the three surveys that the Department of Administrative Science, Technology and Innovation of the Republic of Colombia (COLCIENCIAS), the Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (CLARA) and the Inter-American Organization for Higher Education (IOHE) are currently promoting.

With two distinct target audiences, these three surveys have been developed in order to perform a study on the current state of supply and demand of training in management of innovation, science and technology in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Polls, public:

Survey 1, for Higher Education institutions:

Survey 2, for Higher Education institutions, seeks to know the available supply of doctoral programs and post-doctorate in the following priority issues: climate change, health, biotechnology applied to health and industry, food security, energy and biodiversity:

Survey 3, for industrial and trade chambers:


The results of these studies are of crucial importance to achieve the objectives outlined in the meetings held between ministers and senior officials from Latin America and the Caribbean.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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