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Blanca Orantes, Research Director at the Technological University of El Salvador: “RedCLARA's support has been determinant”

During 2010 COMCLARA benefited Urdimbre - an education and research community formed by 13 universities from the region – with resources that helped it to strength its core and to explore new ways of teaching and researching, for example the creation of virtual schools. “RedCLARA's support has been determinant for this community that's now facing new challenges based on joint participation”, says Blanca Ruth Orantes, Research Director at the Technological University of El Salvador, and one of the Urdimbre's specialists who carried out the survey about the challenges involved in the creation of a regional research community. In this interview, Orantes explains how research and education networks are fundamental for the advance of this and other relevant initiatives in Latin America.



Blanca Luz Orantes

Why did you decide to carry out the “Main Challenges on the formation of a Latin American research and education community” survey and which were its main objectives?
After we were selected as community by RedCLARA in 2010, we had a bunch of experiences that pointed out the difficulties of organizing a research group, the resources it demands, as well as the need of counting with the infrastructure and the technical support requiered to use the advanced networks in research and teaching. From that on, three researchers of three different institutions decided to perform the study in the 13 universities of the seven countries that are part of Urdimbre; so we applied an interview to the contacts we had in every Superior Education Institution (SEI).

What was the main conclusion of your research?
The leadership on the communities is weak, in most of the institutions there’s not enough support for the community or network, which makes them unviable in the long term. The lack of capacities and training in the way in which to present projects to financist entities hits directly the sustainability of the academic communities. A very important advice was that the community's management and leadership must be executed succesively by members from different countries, this will generate a sense of membership and commitment within the researchers.

Could you identify the three main challenges for the conformation of a Latin American research and education community?
First, the strengthen of the research capacities, which are bonded with the learning quality and the learning process, no matter if it is in its sustantive or formative phase.

Second, sustainability, by this I mean that they can survive even when RedCLARA’s  funding ends. Although, support should continue using advanced networks.

Finally, SEI should show a major commitment by supporting and financing the projects and human resources.

How can advanced networks and specifically RedCLARA support the development of a research community?
This investigation is the result of the links and alliances that were established using technology; RedCLARA makes possible to carry out several activities such as videoconferences, funding alerts, research communities formation, among others.

But, how could RedCLARA impact the research community in order to help it to better face its own formation challenges?
Well, it can keep forming teachers and researches in capacity building, through this way research capacities will be strengthened. Broadening coverage is fundamental.  Another thing that can be done is to foster the accredititation of individuals and group of researchers all throughout Latin America, having as only requirement that the SEI in which they work are connected to the advanced networks and have special videoconfference rooms.

So far, what advantages has RedCLARA offered to the members of Urdimbre?
It has allowed us to meet other researchers which could be research peers in the future. Besides, it has gave us the chance of nurturing ourselves from the knowledge and experiences exchange with other universities, through videoconferences running over RedCLARA's infrastructure. Furthermore, we have recieved formation that has strengthened our investigative capabilities.

Also, funding alerts and information about activities and international entities have been very useful.

What aditional input do researchers expect from RedCLARA?
That it supports the creation of a system that credits the research work and promotes a bigger collaboration among SEI members, with videoconferences that help to streghten the research's function with researchers from more advanced countries and creating spaces to share the best practices.

In the particular case of El Salvador, what specific benefits have been obtained by joining a research community supported by RedCLARA?
We are now part of international processes, we are taking our research out of our borders. You don't need to leave El Salvador, through the advanced networks you can find the necessary support and you get to meet researchers or groups of researchers willing to share their best practices and experiences.

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