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RedCLARA participated in formulating eLAC2015

RedCLARA participated at the Third Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean, in which ministry officials and representatives of the governments of the region agreed to carry out the eLAC2015 regional plan to promote access to information society and knowledge as a right.

American government delegates and representatives of leading institutions in technology gathered from 21 to 23 November in Lima, Peru, to mark the course of the next five years, in regard to access to the Information Society and Knowledge is a universal right to promote integration between countries and to articulate the overall goals with the needs and priorities.

To conclude the meeting, the delegates adopted the “Plan of Action on the Information Society and Knowledge in Latin America and the Caribbean (eLAC2015)”, by adopting the “Declaration of Lima.” In this proposal the authorities reaffirmed their belief that public policy should include the mainstreaming of technology to developing countries.

RedCLARA took an active part in formulating eLAC2015 and participated in different parts of the discussion on the construction of inclusive and innovative digital societies.

CLARA was represented by one of its directors, Rafael Ibarra, who is also the President of the Advanced Network Research, Science and Education, El Salvador (RAICES) -, and Ida Holz, Secretary of the directory.

Ibarra participated in all discussions of the forum and gave a presentation about RedCLARA on the Education panel: "ICT and Inclusive Education", which took place on 22 November.

"But the most important thing was we proposed to add a paragraph in the 23-goal with respect to the broadband connection, and this proposal was approved, so RedCLARA became a eLAC2015 priorities, "said Ibarra.

The goal 23 included RedCLARA mention of "Connect to broadband all schools, increasing the density of computers, and the use of educational resources converge. In this context, to promote public policies that support the teaching activities and collaborative research through the use of national networks and regional research and education. In particular, to support Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (CLARA) and CARIBNET in the management and acquisition of passive infrastructure, thereby strengthening the regional network of science, technology, research and innovation. "

ELAC2015 Plan includes 26 goals in eight areas: access, electronic government, environment, social security, productive development and innovation, enabling environment, education and institutional framework for state policy. In 2013 it will conduct a follow-up conference in Uruguay.

Presentation also emphasized RedCLARA advantages

In his presentation at the panel eLAC2015 Education, Ibarra promoted the benefits of RedCLARA among the delegates of the regional governments.

RedCLARA representative talked about the research, understood as an important source of knowledge creation should be considered as a challenge and an unfinished task of the educational systems in our region, emphasizing that currently is not possible to think science and research in isolation.

"The cooperation, working with communities, the work based on the results of other research teams, the complementarity between the circumstances of each country and region with their counterparts in the rest of the world are critical," he said. "The idea of using current technology tools and future scientific work and research, is what has motivated the cascade model used in developed countries and that RedCLARA has created and strengthened in Latin America," he added.

Ibarra explained that RedCLARA has been working in the areas of e-infrastructure and e-science in all disciplines to the region since 2003, when it was founded. "The strong support of the European Union has been reflected in the ALICE project and ALICE2 (Latin America Interconnected with Europe), 12.5 and 18 million euros, respectively, and the IT Initiative (Europe Linked to Latin America) transatlantic cable Europe - Latin America, "he said.

The RAICES president also explained that in the model that was proposed and used in Europe, can only be “a network of advanced academic networks in the region (CLARA), which in turn connects partners and National Networks Research and Education (NREN), of which there is only one in each country.”

Among the advantages of advanced networks highlighted is the fact that channels can provide clean and fast connections to the research community, and access to data, resources and equipment that are expensive and perhaps cannot exist in all universities, in all research centers, or even in all countries.

He also stressed that through RedCLARA fosters a real effort of cooperation and solidarity between national networks and countries, building infrastructure and promoting sustainable development of communities of researchers in different areas that represent the important contributions that the region can give the world science.


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Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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