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Webinar on health, Climate Change, and sustainability

The Red Universitaria de Telemedicina para América Latina, RUTE-AL (Latin American University Telemedicine Network) continues its series of webinars to explore key topics in health and technology. The next session will take place on Wednesday, September 11 at 15:00 GMT. It will bring together experts from across the region to discuss the connections between climate change and public health, focusing on opportunities arising from geographic research and remote sensing technology.

Oscar Cárdenas, a Research Professor at the University of Guadalajara and Coordinator of the Socio-Environmental Studies Community in Mexico's advanced network (CUDI), will moderate the session. Jorge Cabrera, a consultant and remote sensing expert from Guatemala, will explain the role of satellite imaging and its importance for environmental health, highlighting the use of data from the European Union's Earth observation programme, Copernicus.

Marcela Virginia Santana Juárez and Giovanna Santana Castañeda, doctors and researchers at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, will present an analysis of urban lifestyles from a health geography perspective. In addition, Benito Rodríguez, a physician and researcher from the School of Medicine at the University of Oriente in Venezuela, will share insights into the connections between environmental sustainability and public health.

The session will provide a comprehensive overview of how changes impact health and the strategies needed for adaptation and mitigation.

Participation in “Health, Climate Change, and Sustainability” is free, but registration is required. To sign up, please visit or scan the QR code in the image.

For more information on RUTE-AL, please visit


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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