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Virtual Day of e-Communication: Registration is open for participation


During the meeting, four experts will share reflections about ideas and trends around the digital communication characteristics and their impact on democracy, education and scientific activity. The date is on November 21st 2012 from 15:00 to 17:00 GMT.

Virtual Day of e-Communication AGENDA
(Check your local time here:

15:00 GMT | Welcome and connection settings
Luis Nunez, Manager of Academic Relations, RedCLARA

15:10 GMT | Ariel Vercelli, Argentina
The digital age, emerging paradoxes

15:30 GMT | Ysabel Briceño, National Center for Scientific Computing, ULA-Merida, Venezuela
Emerging mode of science communication

15:50 GMT | Carlos Arcila Calderon, Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia
e-Research in the Social Sciences

16:10 GMT | Alejandro Pisanty, UNAM, Mexico

16:30 GMT |
Questions and comments of the audience in the videoconference rooms and by streaming


November 16 | Deadline to register in the Event Manager
November 16 | First test session
November 19 | Second test session
November 21 | Virtual Day of e-Communication

(The participation through videoconference will be open only for those who have registered correctly in the Event Manager)

Additional information:

Event Website:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects