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On November 12-16 in Cuenca, Ecuador: Closure Meeting of the ALICE2 Project


The technical, executive and training meetings of the second half of 2012 of the ALICE2 project and RedCLARA, will take place between 12 and 16 of November, 2012, at the University of Cuenca, Ecuador.

Cuenca, EcuadorOn November 12 to 16 the Ecuadorian Consortium for the Development of Advanced Internet, CEDIA, will host the eighth and final meeting of the project Latin America Interconnected with Europe 2 (ALICE2).

The activities will take place at the University of Cuenca and will include the strategic planning meeting, the assembly of RedCLARA, the ALICE2 Partners Meeting and the 17th session of CLARA-TEC.

In addition, a technical training course on OpenFlow-based networks will be developed by RNP and REUNA in the framework of the activities of their projects FIBRE (Brazil) and Virtual Networks (Chile), and will be given by:

• Leandro Bertholdo: professor at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, technical coordinator of the RNP POP in Rio Grande do Sul and its metropolitan network, and coordinator of the RedCLARA Group of Work on Open Flow.

• Albert Astudillo Barraza: Network engineer at REUNA.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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