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Open Call to present papers for TICAL 2013 Conference

On July 8 and 9, 2013, Cartagena of Indias (Colombia) will host the Third Conference of Information and Communication Technologies Directors from higher education institutions. People involved in ICT management in Latin American universities are invited to submit proposals related to this topic. The deadline to submit the material is April 15th, 2013.

TICAL 2013

Information management, mobility, outsourcing and the governance of ICT in organizations, are some of the current issues that the Directorate of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) departments of the universities are daily dealing with. The university of the future is a reality that must be analyzed and managed. It requires to take decisions about changes and how they will be implemented.

Certainly it´s not an easy task, as it is a field where technology, the user’s behavior and the demands change dramatically and therefore it is difficult to determine which alternatives to implement and/or which path to take. In this scenario, sharing good practices, establishing collaborative initiatives, fostering synergies and sharing those lessons learned in different fields, are activities that strongly contribute to take decisions about what changes to make and how to deal with them.

TICAL 2013 aims to share good practices, to highlight and disseminate those of them that are replicable, and to get knowledge from all the learned lessons, thus contributing to the ICT management in universities which is a task that is more challenging and demanding every day.


Suggested topics:

1. Share Collaborative Experiences: Experiences or projects where different institutions have participated generating, from collaboration, benefits for each of its members. The following topics are examples of this axis: Cooperative acquirement of goods and services, Collaborative services: eduroam, etc., Federations, Grids, Collaborative systems developments, Access to Digital Libraries, Contingency plans for disaster recovery.

2. Solutions for Teaching and Research: Experiences from implemented projects or operative services that impact providing meaningful solutions for research, teaching or management in higher education institutions, such as: Scientific visualization, Tools for simulation, Tools for collaboration, Virtual computer labs, Solutions for project management, Management and distribution of specialized software, Cloud based solutions, Solutions based on mobile devices, Technology in the classroom, Knowledge management: repositories, digital magazines, etc., Solutions based on third party services, Multimedia.

3. Management Solutions: Experiences from developed projects or services in operation that are producing real impact by providing meaningful solutions for research, teaching or management in higher education institutions. Among them: Solutions for collaborative work, Solutions for project management, Cloud based solutions, Solutions based on mobile devices, Business Intelligence, Support for the accreditation process, Document management and digitalization, Solutions based on third party services, Solutions of added-value on infrastructure.

4. Management and Governance of ICT: Share projects and developed actions in higher education institutions to manage the ICT area in an efficient, effective and aligned with corporate objectives way. The following are the issues suggested: Structure and HR, Policies, Security management, Strategy, Project Management, Innovation management, Adaptability to environment, Funding / costs, Protection of the intellectual property and digitalized information, ICT Knowledge Management, Process management, Metric.

5. Infrastructure: Experiences from developed projects or services in operation that have improved the informatic and/or communication infrastructure of higher education institutions, to enhance the opportunities to offer new and better services. Some suggested topics are: Networking, Wireless networks, PKI, Videoconferencing Systems, Storage, Data Centers, Outsourcing, Clouds as infrastructure, VOIP, IPv6, High Performance Computing (HPC).

Call for Papers

Those involved in ICT management in Latin American universities are invited to submit papers, preferably on the issues here described, through the email:

Important dates:

April 15th: Paper submission
May 15th: Authors notification
July 8th and 9th: TICAL 2013 Conference - Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
More information:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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