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Bolivia takes steps toward establishing a National Research and Education Network

In an effort to boost education, science, technology, and innovation in Latin America, RedCLARA is strengthening the digital ecosystem in the region through the creation and consolidation of National Research and Education Networks (NRENs).

The Bolivian Telecommunications and Transport Regulatory Authority (ATT) and RedCLARA signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on October 17. This agreement establishes a framework for cooperation to promote the creation of an NREN in Bolivia, facilitating collaboration among key stakeholders, including universities, research centers, businesses, non-governmental organizations, and civil society, with the goal of maximizing the use of advanced networks.

This memorandum represents a significant step forward for the development of Bolivia’s digital, educational, scientific, and innovation ecosystem. The document was signed by Luis Eliécer Cadenas, Executive Director of RedCLARA; Néstor Ríos, Executive Director of ATT; Alan Borda, from ATT’s International Relations; and Roberto Zambrana, advisor to the ISOC Foundation, who acted as a liaison with the Bolivian chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC).

ATT will play an active role in formalizing the NREN in Bolivia, facilitating collaboration among key players in the use of advanced networks. In addition, it will promote the services and benefits provided by RedCLARA, encourage research projects linked to academia and innovation, and facilitate the participation of researchers and students in RedCLARA’s communities. RedCLARA will support ATT in developing the identified activities and action areas, assist in the consolidation of the NREN in Bolivia, and provide ATT and the country’s higher education and research institutions access to CLARA’s activities and those of its partners.

Luis Eliécer Cadenas expressed his gratitude to the attending authorities and highlighted the importance of the agreement: “With the signing of this memorandum, we are taking a crucial step toward the creation of Bolivia’s first National Research and Education Network. This effort will not only drive the country’s development but also strengthen regional collaboration in science, education, and innovation, establishing an unprecedented advanced connectivity network in this country. We hope this relationship endures for many years to come.”

The next steps involve forming a multisectoral working group to collaborate on the NREN’s implementation and to define its governance and sustainability model. We will hold an initial meeting with ATT, ADSIB, CEUB, ANUP, and MédulaNet to set the objectives and joint actions.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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