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I+CLARA: The space of innovation in Latin America


With a modern interface and a clear and friendly design, this initiative of RedCLARA gathers documents, links, news and announcements related to research and development, the university/company relationship, technology transfer, intellectual property, R&D networks and technology parks. It also fosters the creation of communities and provides them with an integral and collaborative space. Welcome all.

From 25th, 2013 i+CLARA is online, the new proposal of RedCLARA (Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks) which aims to support the innovation processes in Latin America, especially in the university-company connection, and to disseminate knowledge related to technology management in all its aspects.

The site has a friendly informative architecture that allows the user to easily navigate the content and to access from the home page to news, ads, interviews, documents and links. Besides it has a central area divided into three parts: the left side shows the work of i+CLARA, the central area, includes highlighted content, and the right menu contains current and novel information.

One of the mail aspects of i+CLARA is that it foster the creation of innovation communities, which through RedCLARA portal can not only enjoy a private environment for the development of their activities, but also it provides online collaboration tools such as desktop videoconferencing (VC Espresso), large files system transfer, wiki creator,  publisher for photographs and videos, event manager (Indico), documentation manager (DSpace), alerts of financing funds and events, partner search, among others.

TICAL is the first community of innovation in RedCLARA.

Visit the i+CLARA Website:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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