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In TICAL 2023: CUDI and CERN sign Threat Intelligence Sharing Agreement

During the TICAL 2023 conference organized by RedCLARA, the director of the Mexican RNIE, Dr. Moisés Torres Martínez, signed an agreement establishing the rules of participation for the use of the MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform) instance of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, known by its acronym CERN.

SOURCE: CUDI. MISP is a tool developed by CIRCL, the Belgian defence team and NATO (NCIRC) for sharing, storing and correlating Indicators of Compromise (IoC) of targeted attacks, allowing the various participating organisations to share information on malware and its indicators.

By signing this agreement, CUDI has joined the international community of collaborators in the detection of existing threats, which will help improve countermeasures against targeted attacks and establish prevention and detection measures. "With this agreement, the public and private educational institutions that are members of the Mexican RNIE will strengthen their cybersecurity strategies," added Dr Torres.


CERN believes that community information sharing is the best way to combat sophisticated adversaries at an acceptable cost and contributes to a community-based incident response model for responding to threats globally. The effectiveness of this model depends solely on the parties, their commitment and ability to share positive, negative or false positive results, as well as any specific indicators or contextual information they can share with the community. The information shared through the platform is used solely for the benefit of the participants and only for the purpose of detecting, containing, mitigating and resolving security attacks.

Fernando Aranda, head of the CUDI CSIRT, said that with the signing of this agreement, RNEI member institutions will be able to receive timely Indicators of Compromise (IoC) from the CUDI MISP platform, which will be synchronised with CERN's MISP platform, expanding the protection capabilities and improving the institutions' prevention and detection actions against cyber-attacks. "The MISP platform will help the institutions improve their detection and analysis capabilities, enabling them to take preventive actions against cyber threats and attacks," he said.With this agreement, CUDI is advancing the development of a cybersecurity ecosystem for the Mexican education and research sector.

With this agreement, CUDI is advancing the development of a cybersecurity ecosystem for the Mexican education and research sector.


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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