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RUTE-AL webinar brings experts together to discuss child and adolescent health

How to face challenges such as violence, childhood obesity, and the inappropriate use of technology was the focus of the Webinar “Health of children and adolescents in the Americas”, held on 27 november, by the Latin American University Telemedicine Network  (RUTE-AL), with the support of the advanced networks of Brazil (RNP) and Mexico (CUDI).

The event brought together experts such as Dr. Maria Elena Ceballos Villegas, PhD in Medical Research from the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, and Dr. Evelyn Eisenstein, Professor and Coordinator of the SIG of Health and Medicine for Children and Adolescents of the University Telemedicine Network/RUTE - BR and member of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics, who presented the experience of RUTE Brazil in addressing the misuse of social networks and digital devices by children and adolescents.

According to Eisenstein, there is a clear trend towards increasingly early, excessive, prolonged and inappropriate use of devices. "This is  leading to a sharp increase in behavioral, physical and somatic disorders in areas such as sleep, eating and vision", she explained. In this context, since 2008, RUTE Brazil has developed a Special Interest Group (SIG) on Child and Adolescent Health and Medicine, which already has more than 12 thousand participants. "They are pediatricians, psychologists, nurses and academics who have come together around this issue and are looking for solutions to deal with a problem that have a devastating impact on the physical, emotional and social development of adolescents.", she said.

Dr. María Elena Ceballos Villegas addressed the issue of youth violence, which has claimed the lives of thousands of young people in the region. According to data presented by the expert, there are 80,000 new homicides every year in the Americas among young people between the ages of 15 and 29. “This represents 45% of the world's annual total of homicides among young people,” she explained. The victims are mostly male (90%), who are also more susceptible to delinquency and, therefore, to going through the prison system.

To change this reality, one of the initiatives is the Inspire Manual, which proposes seven strategies to end violence against children. “These strategies basically consist of implementation and enforcement of laws; norms and values; safety environments; supportive parents and caregivers; income and economic empowerment; responsive care and support services; and education and life skills," explained.

The experts followed the discussions with a final round of questions and answers, in which Luiz Ary Messina, National Coordinator of RUTE Brazil, also participated.

The Webinar "Child and Adolescent Health in the Americas" was broadcast live on CUDI's channel and is available at

RUTE-AL is the Latin American University Telemedicine Network, an initiative of the NRENs of the region, which aims to expand and strengthen scientific and educational cooperation in health in Latin America through the implementation of collaborative activities. The initiative is based on the experience of the University Telemedicine Network (RUTE) in Brazil. For more information on RUTE-AL, please visit

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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