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Azael Fernández Alcántara: Whitout RedCLARA the technological development of the region would have been totally different

Get to know the voice of the Coordinator of the IPv6 Deployment and Implementation Group – WG – DEIM-IPv6 and member of CUDI throughout UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). Read this and other interviews in the book “RedCLARA: Name, voice and instrument of collaboration in Latin America”.

Azael Fernández Alcántara

What do you think has been your Work Group’s major contribution to the concert of Latin American academic networks and to RedCLARA?
Our contribution has been that of a very active “musician” aiming at keeping the region and the NRENs up to date on the evolution and advances or improvements  with IPv6, through talks, workshops and good practice documents and reports, which have supported the deployment of IPv6 in the best way, taking into account aspects such as security; all of this thanks to the collaborative and inclusive work of some of the group’s members.

As I have said before: to serve as a point for reference and consultation, especially on everything related to IPv6 and, at the same time, as a link with other similar work groups existing in related national organisations.

Likewise, one of the group’s objectives is to prepare RedCLARA to run applications which benefit from the new IPv6 features.

To date, thanks to the effort of many people, almost all the academic networks connected to RedCLARA, or that were connected at some point, have IPv6 support.

The IPv6 work group has worked in three different stages under three names: IPv6-WG -> WG-Serv-IPv6 -> WG-DEIM-IPv6 (IPv6 Deployment and Implementation Group), and currently has 38 members.

What do you think has been RedCLARA’s contribution to Latin America?
There have been many and very significant contributions, but the inclusion of countries and the consolidation of work groups and communities in the academic and research fields have undoubtedly represented a landmark in the development of the internet and of personal relations in our region.

What is the key important aspect of CLARA-TEC for you and your network?
To be the meeting point for the technical community to be up to date on current issues; the training added to the feedback received and transmitted by myself within my country’s NREN, CUDI, and within my own university, the UNAM.

How important is for your Work Group the collaboration established within CLARA-TEC and through it with national and regional networks?
It has been essential to disseminate what’s been done mainly by the more active members in the group.

Having the chance to personally meet present or future collaborators has been very useful to work together in a better way.

If RedCLARA did not exist, what do you think the technical development scenario in the region would be like?
Undoubtedly it would be completely different and we would be far from able to share knowledge between countries and educational centres in an economic, efficient and open way.

From your point of view, what should be the role of RedCLARA over the next five years?
It should continue providing support, as much as possible, and also aim at the consolidation and evolution of work groups and communities.

It should ensure the continuity of the links and other network infrastructure, so that current and future applications and services can in turn benefit from the capabilities that RedCLARA can and could provide.

It will always be necessary to have an “orchestrator” to keep the rhythm and the active and vital participation of the Latin American community going.

The only thing left to be said is that I deeply thank the strong support received from the RedCLARA staff and from every member of the IPv6 group and I’d just like to add that you will always have me as a friend and collaborator in any required task.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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