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J. Vladimir Burgos Aguilar, MTI, MSc: “Through RedCLARA we have the possibility of proposing and implementing projects with an international impact”

Get to know the voice of the Open Content Coordinator (CKO) of the Centre for Innovation in Technology and Education – Innov@TE (CUDI), and Coordinator of the CLARISE Community. Read this and other interviews in the book " Name, voice and instrument of collaboration in Latin America”.

Vladimir Burgos

How do you use the connection to RedCLARA’s advanced network?
At the moment we use it for videoconferencing and for video transmission through internet in massive groups of users. We are working on and asking for advice in order to connect to advanced networks applications with greater data processing, such as institutional repositories, remote and distance laboratories.

What has been the contribution of this connection to your work?
Access to experts and specialists in different countries, the submission of international projects and scientific and academic collaboration between national networks.

Could or can your initiative operate –and be effective- through commercial Internet?
No, it couldn’t, this is why we are doing research to connect other applications that are different from videoconference.

How important is RedCLARA for the development of the research and academic activities of the project in which you participate?
It is highly important, since through RedCLARA we have the possibility of creating and strengthening academic and research networks through national networks; proposing and implementing projects with an international impact and contribute to the efforts for the development of a Latin America that is interconnected for the strengthening of the collaboration and teamwork culture.

What should be the role of advanced networks over the next few years in relation to science and the academia?
Support the development of international, national and institutional policies in favour of internet use as a “human right” for the development of societies in general; every human being must have the chance to have access to internet and to be trained to make the most of its potentialities. Beyond the metal (hardware) and systems (software) “education” must be regarded as a vital, though not sufficient, condition for the development of personal and social progress, but with the potentiality of promoting regional wellbeing and development.

We must work not only on bridging the “Digital Divide”, but also on bridging the “Educational Divide” and the “access to digital knowledge divide”. For a society based on knowledge it is fundamental to guarantee that every person has the same opportunities of access to technology and knowledge in order to develop the necessary skills which allow him/her to get along in his/her environment, because people who do not have these opportunities will be destined to live precariously and societies will be deprived of their contributions.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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