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Brenda Lara Subiabre: “RedCLARA has been a great contribution to our network”

Get to know the voice of the researcher from the University of Los Lagos (REUNA) and coordinator of the Initial Teacher Training Community – ICT in ITT. Read this and other interviews in the book “Name, voice and instrument of collaboration in Latin America”.

Brenda Lara

How do you use the connection to RedCLARA’s advanced network?
Mainly to organise videoconferences between network members. The videoconferences we have feature the participation of several countries, and comprise meetings, presentations, forums, among others. Furthermore, it has allowed us to share videos, which we cannot host in other spaces.

What has been the contribution of this connection to your work?
It has been enormously valuable, since it enabled us to constitute ourselves as a community. When resources are limited, we can still get together and work through videoconferences. This type of systems and the capacity of RedCLARA’s technological networks help us avoid hampering the development of knowledge in our fields. Additionally, students from participating universities have also had the chance to experience what can be done through this type of connections, and see how space barriers can be overcome to develop joint initiatives.

Could or can you initiative operate –and be effective- through commercial internet?
It is very hard to develop it through commercial internet, since it requires a large transmission capacity.

How important is RedCLARA for the development of the research and academic activities of the project in which you participate?
RedCLARA has been a great contribution to our network, since through COMCLARA we have attained many accomplishments and have also made ourselves known, established strategic alliances with other networks and disseminated our proposal. Today we still have its support and we are working to be a sustainable community.

What should be the role of advanced networks over the next few years in relation to science and the academia?
To continue providing technological support to sustain the development of research, something that will enable us to move forward in the democratisation of knowledge and in the strengthening of academic relations, both in the Latin American region and in the rest of the world. Today more than ever higher education institutions must be connected and develop joint initiatives which enable them to tune up their offer and move forward in the production and development of knowledge in a more globalised way.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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