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Xavier Ochoa: “The connection has enabled us to develop a critical mass of researchers”

Get to know the voice of the Director of the Research Programme on Teaching and Learning Technologies of the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (CEDIA), and coordinator of the LACLO Community. Read this and other interviews in the book “Name, voice and instrument of collaboration in Latin America”.

Xavier Ochoa

How do you use the connection to RedCLARA’s advanced network?
The LACLO community makes constant use of the connection provided by RedCLARA to organise virtual meetings between its members. Usually these meetings feature the participation of more than ten researchers, which is why it would be difficult to organise them if our universities were not linked through the academic network. Our LACLO projects, like a repository with class recordings, also require a high bandwidth for the synchronisation of the repositories from the different universities.

What has been the contribution of this connection to your work?
The connection has enabled us to develop a critical mass of researchers, even if for economic reasons we cannot physically meet at a place. Having the connection through RedCLARA allowed us to work on project proposals remotely, with the participation of countries ranging from Mexico to Argentina and Chile.

Could or can your initiative operate –and be effective- through commercial internet?
When we have tried to organise meetings through commercial internet (for example, when one of the participants is at home or outside the university), we have always had connection problems which severely affect this person’s participation and the flow of conversation. Certain projects, like the one already mentioned class recordings repository, would not be possible if we didn’t have an inter-university connection.

How important is RedCLARA for the development of the research and academic activities of the project in which you participate?
RedCLARA is a facilitator in the research process. It helps us incorporate new members regardless of their geographical location; it gives us the support we need when putting forwards projects which require high interconnectivity between universities and it provides us with a forum where we can disseminate the results of such projects.

What should be the role of advanced networks over the next few years in relation to science and the academia?
I think advanced networks must innovate in the services they deliver to research groups and to universities, starting with the simplest ones (desktop videoconference, intranet for research groups) and continuing with the most complex but useful ones, like the creation of an e-Infrastructure (we could also call it an academic cloud) which merges the services traditionally provided by grid computing together with the new services derived from cloud computing. These infrastructures would enable research groups to have the necessary computing and communications resources, without the need to understand or invest on these resources.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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