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José Luis Quiroz: “We can make RedCLARA big”

Get to know the voice of the coordinator of the Mobility Work Group, and member of INICTEL (RAAP). Read this and other interviews in the book “RedCLARA: Name, voice and instrument of collaboration in Latin America.

José Luis Quiroz

What do you think has been your Work Group’s major contribution to the community of Latin American academic networks and to RedCLARA?
I think we made a contribution when we decided to bet on the eduroam J adventure in Latin America; the way in which we began working in eduroam created some expectations in other networks, which is why we would, in the end, build the bridge toward Europe and from there to other latitudes, an infrastructure which is now ten years old and has a long life ahead.

What do you think has been RedCLARA’s contribution to Latin America?
To strengthen collaboration between countries and get closer together, as this makes us stronger as a region... and I believe that if we keep up this rhythm we can make RedCLARA big.

What is the key important aspect of CLARA-TEC for you and your network?
CLARA-TEC has enabled us to participate in collaborative activities, acquire new knowledge and disseminate it, exchange experiences and apply best practices. Undoubtedly, these actions have benefited us and helped us to improve our networks.

How important is for your Work Group the collaboration established within CLARA-TEC and through it with national and regional networks?
Very important; it has been proven that through collaborative work it is possible to move forward, reach our goals and succeed in accomplishing sustainability over time. The interaction between networks is essential for the development of countries, because behind them we find this big component... the human network; without it we could not do anything.

If RedCLARA did not exist, what do you think the technical development scenario in the region would be like?
Wow, I’d rather not think about it! We would be countries with isolated knowledge, without sharing it, maybe countries little known or not known at all by others. We would be like flowers in a flower shop, each in a different vase... beautiful, but separated... there is no beauty; you have to bring them together! :)

From your point of view, what should be the role of RedCLARA over the next five years?
Inclusive and collaborative! We know it has been playing this role, but maybe it is necessary to give it a new turn; there are still countries without an NREN, due to different reasons, but I think that if we present alternatives that make people ask themselves, why is it that RedCLARA is not in my country?. I am sure they would do anything to become part of it. Here WGs play an important role, because one way or another within WGs the collaborative work that favours the inclusion of communities is developed and encouraged; we have to innovate collaboration in every sense! We should extend participation towards those countries without an NREN, by including them in the WGs’ discussion lists, which would be a good start. In the WG-Mobility’s discussion list we have members from Latin America with and without an NREN, as well as members of RedIRIS and TERENA. This motivates us to the bone :).

It is also necessary to continue promoting and participating in collaborative projects, promoting alliances, the exchange of experts, consultancy on management for the new NRENs and, why not, to promote the command of the two languages in Latin America, Spanish and Portuguese. We are all committed; we are all RedCLARA :).

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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