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Liane Tarouco and Leandro Bertholdo: “The network infrastructure created over the years was what made everything possible”

Get to know the voice of the coordinators  of the Mobility with OpenFlow Work Group– WG-MOF. Read this and other interviews in the book “RedCLARA: Name, voice and instrument of collaboration in Latin America”.

Liane Margarida y Leandro Bertholdo

What do you think has been your Work Group’s major contribution to the community of Latin American academic networks and to RedCLARA?
We believe the major contributions in this first year for the WG has been to share with the RedCLARA community the results of our studies on SDN and OpenFlow: tests with different controllers, a deeper study on the OpenFlow protocol versions and its use both in a platform for testing and for teaching (mininet), sharing its experience as users in a production network of RNP’s Point of Presence (PoP-RS).

All these activities ended with a course for the RedCLARA community, where the experience gained was shared, showing and teaching in the most practical possible way its potential and facilities and the challenges of software defined networks (SDN).

Already in this first phase we saw the interest and participation of the CLARA-TEC community; this included the active participation of a technician from the REUNA network in the training activity.

What do you think has been RedCLARA’s contribution to Latin America?
The possibility of exchanging information between countries and the awareness about the diversity that can be found in each of those countries, thus learning about possibilities for research associations. Furthermore, we cannot forget that the network infrastructure created over the years was what made everything possible, and without it any attempt to sustain remote communication between researchers across in the region may not be so fruitful.

What is the key important aspect of CLARA-TEC for you and your network?
We believe one of the most important of RedCLARA’s activities has been to bring researchers and technicians from Latin American countries together, enabling them to share their experiences and the developments in each country.

How important is for your Work Group the collaboration established within CLARA-TEC and through it with national and regional networks?
For the MOF group it was important to have exchanged ideas at the CLARA-TEC forum, so that we could learn about the development and interest in SDNs in general.

If RedCLARA did not exist, what do you think the technical development scenario in the region would be like?
Considering the time we were in contact with RedCLARA this year, and the effort we saw in every member country a long time ago, if the network had not been created, it would probably be very difficult to have any joint collaboration between countries in the field of advanced networks for the application of technologies like SDN.

From your point of view, what should be the role of RedCLARA over the next five years?
To continue improving the network interconnection between the different countries in Latin America and provide an additional international way out for commercial and academic internet in the United States and Europe. To continue encouraging research on advanced networks.

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