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Álvaro De La Ossa: “RedCLARA should accompany its member NRENs in the search for a political, financial and operational sustainability”

Check out the voice of the Executive Director of RedCONARE (Costa Rica), and his vision about RedCLARA and collaboration. Read this and other interviews in the book “RedCLARA: Name, voice and instrument of collaboration in Latin America”.

Álvaro De La Ossa

What comes to your mind when you hear a researcher talking about collaboration?
That it is nowadays one of the most important skills or attitudes of any researcher. That it would be desirable that more researchers were aware of the need to be educated with that attitude in mind. And that, unfortunately, a lot of people do not clearly understand that collaboration requires not only attitude, but also commitment.

What would you say is the most important aspect of research and education networks?
Research and education networks provide researchers, teachers and students with opportunities for dialogue and exchange. This exchange has the immediate impact of enriching collaboration relations, since it lays the foundations of mutual trust between the parties involved. Research and education networks are important in that they promote social behaviour patterns based on mutual respect, exchange and complementation.

How would you describe the role of RedCLARA both at a regional and global level?
At a regional level, RedCLARA is the sum of all national research and education networks in Latin America and as such it aims to promote science, education, culture and innovation across this region. At a global level, RedCLARA has the duty of interacting with regional networks from the rest of the world in order to safeguard regional interests and promote a true global horizontal collaboration in science and education.

What has been the key important aspect of the ALICE2 project for your network?
The ALICE2 project has enabled RedCLARA and the regional networks that are part of it to define and implement actions towards their sustainability as public asset projects, through the creation of content and added value for the promotion of research, education, culture and innovation.

How important is for RedCONARE the collaboration with other national and regional networks and how do you collaborate globally?
For RedCONARE the collaboration with other NRENs is crucial, for many reasons. Firstly, because the Latin American advanced network would not exist without those collaboration relations between its members. These relations support an exchange model in which all parts obtain benefits, either through the use of a service, access to information and knowledge or through the improvement of some of their processes. Secondly, because national and regional networks typically work as supportive organisations, that is, that even if there are significant differences in the capacities and resources that these networks have, they all receive the same benefit through the products and services developed by the community. Collaboration between two networks is based on two basic principles: on the one hand, mutual respect, which includes mutual trust and loyalty, and on the other, solidarity, the principle which guarantees that the entire community is moving forward at nearly the same pace and in the same direction.

If RedCLARA did not exist, what would the science, research and innovation scenario in your country be like?
The national scenario would still be what it was without the Latin American network: fragmented and disjointed. These problems have not disappeared, but the presence of the national network now offers a meeting space that did not exist before it. Without it, the national scenario would still be fragmented because there would still be international connection and collaboration initiatives that would only respond locally or temporarily to the interests of a few groups and not of everyone. And it would be disjointed because those initiatives would be operating independently from each other, without sharing information or resources and without promoting synergies.

Could you describe your view of research and education networks in the future?
I see advanced research and education networks as a resource with two complementary aspects. On the one hand, as a provider of networking services, as we see RedCLARA nowadays, which goes beyond the mere service provision to get involved with national networks, understand their needs and work together with them in order to meet these needs. On the other hand, I see them as a promoter and permanent innovator in the practice of science and education.

According to your point of view, what should be the role of RedCLARA over the next five years?
RedCLARA should accompany its member NRENs in the search for a political, financial and operational sustainability, in order to help them ensure that the resources they have are invested mainly on the rationale behind advanced networks: the support to and improvement of research and education.

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