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Villie Morocho: “The trust bonds achieved through RedCLARA are unique and wouldn’t have been achieved without this institution”

Check out the voice of the former Executive Director of the Ecuadorian Consortium for the Development of Advanced Internet, CEDIA, and his vision about RedCLARA and collaboration. Read this and other interviews in the book “RedCLARA: Name, voice and instrument of collaboration in Latin America”.

Villie Morocho

What comes to your mind when you hear a researcher talking about collaboration?
The growth of research work is based, from my point of view, on the quantity of collaborations it may have. That is, if a research project has local, national and even international collaborators, it can be foreseen that this work is supported at that level. Therefore, if a researcher talks about collaboration, what we aim at from CEDIA is to facilitate his/her life so that this collaboration can really be conducted through the means made available by CEDIA, which range from videoconferences to possible access to international scientific networks.

What would you say is the most important aspect of research and education networks?
Firstly, its human resources, that is, the contacts between the people who are part of these networks. The trust accomplished to be able to put forward large-scale projects, which in turn make it possible to get associated without much hassle. That trust means to scale up towards new members or new partners of an eventual project, since it becomes a bond of trust among everyone. Secondly, all the technological deployment which enables the interaction of this group of people.

How would you describe RedCLARA’s role at both a regional and global level?
Its unique and necessary work enables the integration of people and work teams around issues of regional interest. Furthermore, the chance to submit projects ranging from small collaboration projects to large ones like those submitted to the European Union as part of framework programmes.

What has been the key important feature of the ALICE2 project for your network?
The possibility of becoming involved at a world level, starting with Latin American relationships but reaching a world level due to the relationships that can be accomplished through RedCLARA. Getting an initial funding as well, which undoubtedly couldn’t have been achieved solely through the intervention of RedCLARA’s members. Therefore, I think the European Union’s collaboration through this project is a totally relevant factor.

How important is for CEDIA the collaboration with other national and regional networks and how do you collaborate globally?
This is one of the main points promoted from CEDIA; collaboration with other researchers in South America and the world through the national networks in those countries.

If RedCLARA did not exist, what would the science, research and innovation scenario in your country be like?
We would have had to look for other means of international collaboration, which nonetheless would have been less fruitful than what we have accomplished with RedCLARA. Furthermore, I am certain that the trust bonds achieved through RedCLARA are unique and wouldn’t have been achieved without this institution.

Could you describe your view of research and education networks in the future?
Researchers having them as part of their lives, without the need to have introductory means about international relations through RedCLARA. It would be like thinking whether we need to teach a researcher how to use the internet. Then I think that taking advantage of the trust and technological benefits of NRENs will be part of every academic’s work.

According to your point of view, what should be the role of RedCLARA over the next five years?
To encourage this future vision.

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