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Carmen Velezmoro: “RedCLARA promotes the use of ICT through technological developments which make it possible to have better tools for connectivity between researchers”

Check out the voice of the Executive Director of the Peruvian Academic Network, RAAP, and his vision about RedCLARA and collaboration. Read this and other interviews in the book “RedCLARA: Name, voice and instrument of collaboration in Latin America”.

Carmen Velezmoro

What comes to your mind when you hear a researcher talking about collaboration?
I think about the exchange of knowledge, techniques, publications, etc. which help him/her to improve his/her scientific work, as well as the interrelations he/she has with different researchers worldwide working on the same topic.

What would you say is the most important aspect of research and education networks?
The most important aspect is the fact of sharing experiences between actors in each network and the possibility of submitting joint projects to obtain funding that benefits each participating institution, not only from the economic point of view, but also for the scientific progress of their researchers. Likewise, education networks make it possible to organise several activities without having to move from one place to another, which entails financial and energy savings and thus contributes to protecting the environment.

How would you describe the role of RedCLARA both at a regional and global level?
The role played by RedCLARA in the sense of the questions above, is that of articulating and promoting the creation of research and education networks in Latin America, as well as the connection of LA researchers with researchers in other continents.

In general, RedCLARA promotes the use of ICT through technological developments which make it possible to have better tools for connectivity between researchers. Likewise, it promotes the use of ICT as a tool for research like grids, image transmission for different purposes, better sound, etc.

What has been the key important aspect of the ALICE2 project for your network?
The ALICE2 project has enabled the training of the technicians who work in the institutions belonging to our network. This has improved capacities and has also accomplished a multiplying effect. On the other hand, the ALICE2 project has made it possible to share with other Latin American and European networks experiences in the functioning of the network itself, its problems, achievements and future expectations.

As for the creation of collaboration networks between researchers, the ALICE2 project has brought LA researchers together, with the resulting creation of networks featuring participation of researchers from different institutions in the country, which has developed in them an interest in the use of advanced networks.

How important is for RAAP the collaboration with other national and regional networks and how do you collaborate globally?
Collaboration with other national and regional networks is important, since it makes is possible to disseminate in our country what is being done in different fields of science, as well as to disseminate and present what is being done in our country in order to give more visibility to its activities in favour of science and research. Likewise, collaboration with other networks makes it possible to articulate the researchers in Peru with researchers belonging to other national or regional networks. On the other hand, it enables the participation in joint projects which benefit the entire Latin American region.

If RedCLARA did not exist, what would the science, research and innovation scenario in your country be like?
Although in our country advanced networks have not become an essential tool for researchers, the existence of RedCLARA has made it possible to interact with other networks and make developments which will benefit future researchers. The world of science, research and innovation in Peru depends also on the support given by the government, which in the last two years has accomplished an increase thanks to the funds the IADB is granting for innovation and research; in this new scenario, the interest in learning about the benefits provided by RedCLARA through the national network (RAAP) begins to increase.

Could you describe your view of research and education networks in the future?
Research networks in the future will be essential; every researcher will have to belong to a network, since it has been proven that research work and scientific progress cannot take place in isolation. It is not possible to double efforts to accomplish the same objective in different countries or in different regions within each country. As for education, we will see networks being used for interaction between students located at very far distances, students who use networks to make simulations which allow them to better accomplish their learning objectives, students at different levels attending world conferences without having to move. The greater the needs, networks will also have to develop better and new tools for their efficient management.

According to your point of view, what should be the role of RedCLARA over the next five years?
In the next five years RedCLARA should continue supporting Latin America’s scientific development. Although some countries already stand out because of their progress and contribution to science, the role of RedCLARA should precisely be to get those countries with less progress in science, technology and innovation articulated with the more advanced ones. RedCLARA should play an important role in promoting the use of advanced network tools in favour of research and education throughout Latin America.

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