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ALICE2 Project officially concludes


In the framework of the Fourth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Montevideo, Uruguay, on April 3 to 5 was held the official closure of the Project Latin America Interconnected with Europe 2 ALICE2.

The CEPAL ONU/gentileza AgesicDeputy General Manager of RedCLARA, Carmen Gloria Labbé made a presentation that about the results of the project that began in December 2008 and which date of closure, scheduled for September 2012, was extended until January 2013.

According to the presentation of Labbé the project's achievements involve the quality of the new network and its low cost of operation, operational sustainability of RedCLARA, the interest of several other Research Networks on the RedCLARA Portal, the alliances built to continue the promotion of collaboration in Latin America and the awareness of Regional Organizations on the importance of Research Networks.

During the closing ceremony was also signed the Montevideo Declaration document in which the countries of the region reaffirmed their commitment to move towards the accomplishment of the goals expressed in the Action Plan on the Information Society and the knowledge of Latin America and the Caribbean, eLAC2015, and that it content recognizes the work done by RedCLARA for the strengthening of the communication and the collaboration for the development of research, innovation and education in the region by stating:

“We, the representatives of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean meeting in the city of Montevideo from 3 to 5 April 2013 at the fourth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean[…] we resolve to […]  recognize also the importance of the support provided by the European Commission to eLAC since its inception, foster the consolidation of achievements and the operation of successful regional organizations, including the Latin American Telecommunications Regulators Forum (REGULATEL) and RedCLARA, and invite the European Commission to continue cooperating at the policy and strategic levels, given that emerging trends raise common challenges on which cooperation would benefit both regions.

To know more about the ALICE2 Project, we invite you to download and read “RedCLARA: Name, voice and instrument of collaboration in Latin America ALICE2, December 2008 – January 2013” a book which compiles the five years of work of the  project.

The publication, launched in February 2013, has five chapters where the reader is invited to go through the Project’s most important milestones and to learn about the views of the members of the CLARA-TEC Work Groups, representatives from Latin American National Research and Education Networks and the leaders of big networks in the region and the world about RedCLARA and regional and global collaboration.

Download the book here

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects