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Until April 27 extended deadline for proposals submission to TICAL 2013


Those involved in ICT management in Latin American universities are invited to submit papers to: Do you need ideas for your work? Here are some!

TICAL 2013The proposals must follow the requirements of the Authors Guide (Only in Spanish) published on the event website and must relate to ICT at the University. Need some ideas for your proposal? Review the following:

1. Share your collaborative experiences. The areas could be: cooperative acquisition of goods and services between several universities-like campus software licenses or resources for the backup of files in a data center of third parties for a contingency, the incorporation of  federated identity to offer the service of library from a set of universities, cooperation for the development or acquisition of ICT services between universities whether or not from the same country.

2. State your solutions for teaching and research. These could include: initiatives based on mobile devices for teaching (as e-books for the review of books and supplementary material), virtual computer labs, learning object repositories, repository of teaching materials, use of multimedia resources in the class room and strategies to improve ICT skills in college students.

3. Present your current solutions for management. Here you can find: experiences in the incorporation of business intelligence in making college decisions, incorporating project management tools, integration of mobile devices to access information systems (such as making loans, or tuition), document management and scanning, researchers curriculum management, streamline user services using new technologies.

4. Explain your work in management and governance of ICT.
Examples of this are: projects developed to establish and continuously improve the quality of services, projects to measure user satisfaction with IT services, projects to promote the use of standard technologies and methodologies, projects to plan and properly size investments and IT expenditures.

5. Show your infrastructure practices. Here you can refer to: projects to improve the safety of campus networks, projects of desktop videoconferencing services, mass storage services for research groups, negotiation of strategies for outsourcing infrastructure services or strategies for the incorporation of IPV6.

The results of the call for papers will be announced on May 15, 2013. For each work selected to be part of the conference program, RedCLARA will pay the cost of the airfare for the transfer of the author (if there is more than one, it will be asked to choose a representative) to Cartagena de Indias, city that will host the event.

The third Conference of Information and Communication Technologies Directors from higher education institutions, ICT Management for Research and Collaboration, TICAL2013, will be held on July 8 and 9 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

Important Dates
April 27 15: deadline for proposal submission
May 23 15: Authors Notification  
July 8 and 9: Conference TICAL2013

More information:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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