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May 22nd, 2013 | Towards the Universality of the Open Access


This virtual conference organized by RedCLARA in collaboration with La Referencia Project and the Confederation of Open Access Repositories - COAR, will involve the participation of panelists from Spain, Colombia and Venezuela and will be held remotely through the Internet.

Hacia la Universalidad del Acceso AbiertoThe Open Access Repositories, which numbers have increased, are an important component of the e-research infrastructure. But each repository taken individually has a limited value for research. The real value of the repositories resides in the interconnection potential to create a network that allows the unified access to the results of works from different areas of science so that they can be (re-) used by other researchers and scholars around the world.

In order to address all these issues, on May 22nd will be held "Towards the Universality of the Open Access" virtual conference that aims to provide an overview of the interoperability requirements of Open Access Repositories, identify key issues and challenges to be addressed, and present successful examples of collaborative work.

Who can participate? All the institutions member of the national networks connected to RedCLARA.


15:00 GMT | Welcome and connection settings.
Carmen Gloria Labbe, Director of Innovation and Development, RedCLARA.

15:10 GMT | Interoperability, the key to reach the true value of open access to science
Alicia Medina, COAR, Spain.

15:40 GMT | The REFERENCE: the scientific production of Latin America on the network.
Malgorzata Lisowska, La Referencia Project, Colombia.

16:10 GMT | Harmonizing the academic cooperation of the world.
Luis Nuñez, RedCLARA - CHAIN REDS, Venezuela.

16:30 GMT | Questions and comments.

Important Dates

- Deadline to register: Friday 17/05/2013 until 17GMT
- Virtual Conference "Towards the Universality of the Open Access": Wednesday 22/05/2013, between 15:00 and 17:30 hours GMT
(The participation is open only for those who have properly registered through the registration form enabled on the event website)

Website of the Virtual Conference:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects