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June 19th: Identity Federations Virtual Day


The Identity Federations Virtual Day its promoted by: RedCLARA, TAGPMA and TERENA with active participation from the ELCIRA and CAINREDS projects.

Día Virtual de Federaciones de IdentidadOn the Identity Federations Virtual Day we will discuss the topic of easy access to specialized academic services around the world. Identity management is a complex process that enables users to access to resources and services of Universities and Research Centres in an easy but secure manner.

The agenda will involve the participation of experts from the United States of America (Derek Simmel and Jim Basney) whom will speak about their experiences with two of the most important academic federations from that country. We will also have from the "old continent" David Kelsey and Roberto Barbera whom will take share their journey and lessons learnt in the process of getting transnational federations that allow access to highly specialized resources from all the corners of Europe. Finally, from Latin America will have representatives from the ELCIRA project that aims to develop federations in our region.


The event will take place through the academic videoconferencing rooms in the different Universities and research centres of Latin America and Spain. Universities from Spain that have connection with RedCLARA, are welcome to participate and register their rooms and invited their academic communities.

Participants in the videoconference rooms will experiment the event live and with a visual and oral interaction from the panelists (through the high speed connections from RedCLARA) with the possibility of ask questions to the speakers.

Those who cannot assist to the VC rooms have the opportunity to participate through streaming from the link below.

All the institutions that want to participate should register their rooms in the Event Manager.

Due to the diversity of the panelists THIS VIRTUAL DAY WILL BE IN ENGLISH. All the questions could be made in Spanish and the organizers will translate them.


15:00 GMT | Welcome and connection settings.
Emilia Serafín, Coordinator of Academic Communities, RedCLARA.

15:05 GMT | Speakers presentation
Alejandra Stolk, Universidad de los Andes, Mérida and TAGPMA.

15:10 GMT | Federated identity management for research communities
David Kelsey  (STFC-RAL) United Kingdom

15:30 GMT |
Global Initiatives of Computer Services and Identity Federations
Roberto Barbera Univ. de Catania and CHAINREDS (Italy)

15:50 GMT | federated access to the U.S. academic Cyberinfrastructure (InCommon)
Jim Basney National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NSCA) USA

16:10 GMT | Authentication infrastructure of XSEDE
Derek Simmel, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center , USA

16:30 GMT | The ELCIRA Experience and the Identity Federations in Latin America
To be defined RNP-ELCIRA Brazil

17:15 GMT | Questions and comments from the attendees at videoconference rooms and through streaming


- Last day to register in the Event Manager: Friday 06/14/2013 until 17GMT

- First test session: Friday 06/14/2013, between 15:00 and 17:00 hours GMT
(open only to those who correctly registered in the Event Manager)

- Second test session: Tuesday 06/17/2013, between 15:00 and 17:00 hours GMT
(open only to those who correctly registered in the Event Manager)

- Identity Federations Virtual Day: Wednesday 06/19/2013, between 15:00 and 17:15 hours GMT
(Only the VC rooms that have participated in one of the test sessions may attend the event)

Streaming link:

Website of the Identity Federations Virtual Day:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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