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The IDB-BPR Institutional Scientific Documentation Repositories invites to participate in two consultancies


El Proyecto BID-BPR Repositorios Institucionales de Documentación Científica invita a enviar propuestas a dos consultorías The deadline for the submission of the required documentation is June 30. (Documents only in Spanish)

►Consulting for the implementation of a pilot of a training strategy for the development of skills in the management of institutional repositories of scientific documentation
Download the Terms of Reference
Download the consultants evaluation procedures
Deadline for the proposal submission: June 30, 2013


►Consulting for production of a promotional video for the Federated Network of Scientific Documentation Repositories LA REFERENCE
Download the Terms of Reference
Download the consultants evaluation procedures
Deadline for the proposal submission: June 30, 2013

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects