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The successful participation of ELCIRA in ICT2013


On November 6th to 8th 2013 Tania Altamirano and María José López Pourailly representatives of the Work Package 7 of the Project (Dissemination) flew to Vilnius Lithuania to set up an informative booth to share information and present the objectives and activities so far developed by ELCIRA.

La exitosa participación de ELCIRA en ICT2013The ICT2013 Conference chose the exhibition participants through an open call released on June 2013 which received more than 270 proposals. As a result, 185 projects were selected to showcase the latest findings in advanced research, technologies, new systems, innovation in services and business and ICT products just coming to market. The ELCIRA project was one of them.

During the three days of activities, the stand of ELCIRA was part of the International Village dome and distributed about 1000 brochures, 100 USB memories, 1000 laser points and highlighters pens, and 600 highlighters markers, all including information about the Project. The dome hosted also the booth of GÉANT, (the pan-European research and education network that interconnects Europe’s National Research and Education Networks, NRENs). For the attendees GÉANT prepared a trail treasure with easy questions, one of them about ELCIRA. When someone completed the quiz won as a prize a rubik cube. Students, researchers and all visitors where very enthusiastic with the activity and had a great time discovering the answers.

Among the Latin American participants present in ICT2013 were 10 members from the national network of Colombia, RENATA including its Executive Director, Lucas Giraldo, the Technical Manager, Diego Alberto Rincón Yáñez and the Communication and Public Relationship Manager, Camilo Jaimes Ocaziónez.

ICT2013 was a great opportunity to disseminate the objectives of ELCIRA, its activities and services.

About ICT2013

The ICT2013 event was organised by the European Commission in partnership with the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the EU, and the official sponsors of the Presidency.

According to the event website the event received 5315 participants from all over the world.

More information about ICT2013:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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