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The call for papers for TICAL2014 is now open


The Fourth Conference of Information and Communication Technology Directors from Higher Education Institutions, to be held between 26 and 28 of May 2014 in the Cancun Center (Cancun, Mexico), calls all ICT leaders of Latin American universities to send their works for contest until March 7th, 2014 to

TICAL2014In order to enhance the work and the role of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Directors of the universities of the region, since early 2011 the Information and Communication Technology Directors Network of Latin American universities has built a collaborative space that seeks to contribute to the continuous improvement of its institutions.

The TICAL Conference is the place where the community come together, which is feed primarily with the experiences, knowledge and initiatives presented by universities, providing significant and unprecedented solutions around ICT topics for higher education institutions in all the areas of the university labor.

Suggested Topics

1. ICT Solutions for Teaching and Research
2. ICT Solutions for Management
3. ICT Governance and Management
4. Infrastructure
5. Information Security

It is expected that the presented works in each suggested topic are related to ICT and how its use or incorporation contributes to resolve the problems that universities in the region are facing, particularly considering the following concepts:

  • Experiencies: the papers should be mainly focus on the experiences; TICAL is a space to share successes and failures among peers. No merely scientific or academic papers are intended.
  • Projects or services: works should describe implemented services or executed projects.
  • ICT area: TICAL gathers universities ICT managers. That is why it is intended that the papers are relevant for them.

Important dates:
March 7th, 2014: Deadline for papers submission
April 8th, 2014: Notification of selected authors
May 26 to 28 2014: TICAL2014 Conference - Cancun Center, Cancun, Mexico

For more information about the TICAL2014 call, please visit:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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