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LACNIC recognizes the careers achievements of Internet leaders around the region

LACNIC announces the launch of the 2014 edition of the Lifetime Achievement Award, the purpose of which is to recognize those individuals that have contributed to the permanent development of the Internet and the Information Society in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean.



(Source: LACNIC) Since 2009, this honor is presented each year to members of the Internet community who have consistently produced relevant contributions in benefit of the development of the Internet and the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean.

As part of LACNIC's mission to promote and articulate collaborative efforts within the region and in support of LACNIC's commitment to the constant development of the Internet and the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Board of Directors believes that it is important to honor those individuals who have long devoted their efforts to the consecution of these objectives, for their concrete achievements and for the example they set for the rest of the community.

Nomination terms and conditions
  • Regardless of their nationality, any person may be nominated who has verifiably made relevant contributions to the development of the Internet and the Information Society in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean and to their benefit, either through private initiatives, working with civil society, defining or affecting the definition of public policies, academic work and research, creation of communities, supporting the development of infrastructure and technological developments, among other potentially outstanding achievements.
  • LACNIC members and employees are ineligible to receive these awards.
  • Nominations should be submitted to trayectoria@lacnic.netbefore 14 March 2014, including the candidate's biography and a summary of the achievements for which the person is being nominated. If its members believe that this is necessary to properly assess each nomination, the judging panel may request additional information.
Prizes and Notification

The award will consist of an allusive object.

Winners will be invited to participate in the awards ceremony to be held during the LACNIC21 event in the city of Cancún, Mexico, from 4th to 9th May 2014.


For more information, please visit LACNIC:



Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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