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August 28, 2014: TICAL Thematic Meeting "Study on Governance Maturity of ICTs in the Latin American universities"

TICAL Thematic Meeting "Study on Governance Maturity of ICTs in the Latin American universities" All the institutions members of the national networks connected to RedCLARA are invited to participate by videoconference. The deadline for registration is August 25, 2014.

As part of the collaborative activities of the Technology Directors that integrate the TICAL Community, on August 28 will be held a new Thematic Meeting on "Study on Governance Maturity of ICTs in the Latin American universities."

This first study allowed to reveal the current situation of Latin American universities, in terms of the level of maturity of ICT Governance. The preliminary results were presented in TICAL2014. During the meeting each of the topics and the instrument used will be review in detail.


15:00 GMT | Welcome and connection settings
Marcela Larenas, RedCLARA, Chile

15:10 GMT | Studio Presentation, purpose of the research, review of the answers to the different topics.
Speaker: Angela Brodbeck and Jussara Musse

15:45 GMT | Review and evaluation of the Instrument, proposals for improvement.
Speaker: Angela Brodbeck and Jussara Musse
16:00 GMT | Questions and comments from the participants by videoconference and streaming
Moderator Jussara Issa Musse

Important Dates:
August 25, 2014: Deadline for registration
August 26, 2014: Technical test session
August 28, 2014: TICAL Thematic Meeting
(only the Videoconference rooms that have participated in the test sessions will be able to be part of the event)

Event website:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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