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LAR will dictate a web seminar about strategies of repositories

lareferenciaLA Referencia (LAR) will dictate the web seminar about Open Repositories Strategies in Latin America next November 25th at 15:00 GMT, in an activity organized by AIMS advisory team of the United Nations for Food and Agriculture (FAO-UN).

The seminar will be dictated by Alberto Cabezas, Executive Secretary of LA Referencia, an initiative about network of institutional repositories composed by nine Latin American countries. The presentation will describe the objectives, mandates in the region, progress in the quality of the metadata in LA Referencia as well as the technical infrastructure to support the changes and the main challenges for the next two years.

Those interested in participating in this webinar should send an e-mail to informing their names, affiliation, position and country. More details can be found here.

The group AIMS of FAO is focused on the development and promotion of methodologies in the area of agriculture, as well as common standards and protocols for the exchange of agricultural information.

To review the GMT time in your country, click here.

*Information source: LA Referencia

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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