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Partnership between RNP and RENATA will take Escola Superior de Redes to Colombia

RNP RENATAA meeting held during the last December 12th, in Rio de Janeiro, set the final details of a project that will benefit the entire Latin American community of advanced networks: the deployment of the Escola Superior de Redes (ESR, or Superior School of Networks, in english) of Colombia, which will be inaugurated on February 13th of 2015.

The Superior School of Networks is an initiative created by the Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP, or National Research and Education Network), from Brazil, that now gains its first "branch", given the partnership between RNP and the National Academic Network of Advanced Technology (RENATA), from Colombia. At the meeting, the networks were represented, respectively, by its directors Nelson Simões and Lucas Giraldo. Along with the national coordinator of the brazilian ESR, Luiz Coelho, they discussed the guidelines for the work in the new Latin American school.

In the Colombian subsidiary, the training classes will have as main theme the area of IT Governance, and specialization courses will be offered in Government and Management and Government and Security. The courses will be taught by the National University of Colombia, from February to June, and are intended for managers and directors of IT and IT systems, as well as professionals who are involved in the area, such as auditors, consultants and experts in IT support.

During the meeting, the executives of RENATA and RNP also tried to start the process for translation of the network security courses and mentioned the possibility of expanding the model of the ESR of Colombia and Brazil to other Latin American countries.

In Brazil, the ESR, coordinated by RNP, has seven branches in different cities and offers a training model in line with the demands of the labor market. The courses, divided into basic, intermediate and advanced, are full-time, lasting two to five days, and address issues related to the areas of Management and Network Design, IT Governance, Security, Support to Digital Collaboration Media and System Administration. The classes are practical and presents simulations of situations experienced by professionals from various areas of IT. The ESR also offers a virtual learning environment with supplementary material, which allows the student to have access to the content in its latest version.

To know more about the ESR, please visit


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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