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Mauro Cesar Bernardes: “TICAL offers a unique opportunity for the ICT professionals in Latin America for the extension of their professional network”

mbernardesWith this interview to the Brazilian researcher Mauro Cesar Bernardes, we began the series entitled "Five questions to" where we will discover the importance that those who have been involved in the TICAL conferences give to this annual meeting.

Hello, Mauro! Tell us about you and your formation.
Hello! I am a systems analyst at the University of São Paulo (USP) since 2001, where during the last 10 years I do coordinate a technology division. At USP, I’m also working as an invited professor at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics and at the Sustainability Laboratory, of the Polytechnic School. My formation is in computing: I'm graduated in Computing Science, have master’s and doctorate also in Computing Science at USP and a graduate degree in Management informatics.

How was your first contact with the advanced networks and how do you evaluate its development since then?
In Brazil, I had my first contact with RNP when I started my activities as a Systems Analyst in the campus São Paulo of USP, in 2001, and was able to participate in a Workshop (WRNP) that occurred in conjunction with the 19th Brazilian Symposium of Networks. At that time, I could follow the presentation of a series of works, I was delighted with the proposal of integration and collaboration supported by the information and communication technologies for the generation of knowledge and excellence in education and research in Brazil. Then, I realized the huge engagement of a large group of experts in the promotion and in the technological development to support the research of information and communication technologies, the creation of innovative services and projects and also the training of professionals in Brazilian public institutions.

As a result, I noticed a marked improvement over the feasibility and the facilitation of the collaborative research through the research network applications, which allows the realization of projects not only in technology, but also in education, health and culture. My first contact with RedCLARA was only in 2013, when I received the invitation to expose at TICAL2013. At that time, I was surprised by the quality of the event, the commitment of those who were involved and the opportunities that were presented to the professionals from universities in Latin America who participated in the event. Talking to colleagues from other universities in our continent, I was able to see the specifics of each, but mostly, the common points that were boosted through cooperation projects and through the exchange of experiences with the support of RedCLARA.

In this context, what is the importance of TICAL for the growth of the networks and professionals in the field of ICT?
More than it always presents an innovative and informative program, TICAL offers a unique opportunity for the ICT professionals in Latin America for the extension of their professional network as well as numerous opportunities for learning, thinking and exchanging experiences with other colleagues in our continent. In addition, I noted in the last year the presence of professionals from other continents, what expands even more our possibilities. After participating in other major world conferences in ICT, I realized the need for a conference where we could discuss the specific challenges of the academy and research in Latin America. It was a pleasant surprise to realize that TICAL is fulfilling this role.

You have been part of the Program Committee, were a speaker and also presented many papers in TICAL. What lessons did you get of these different experiences?
As a result of my participation, I learned that we have a lot of diversity in our continent; we have many points in common, a lot of isolated competence and, above all, creativity for solutions that can be shared for a more equitable development. I've found that the advanced networks have significantly contributed to a greater synergy between the Latin-American institutions and consequently expanded the opportunities for relevant innovative propositions.

Personally and professionally, what are your expectations for TICAL2015? And why Brazilians should attend the event this year?
My greatest expectation is that TICAL repeats the success of the previous years and that I can rediscover the friends I made in this event. I have no doubt that the current committee is eagerly dedicated to not only maintain the level of the past editions, but to exceed all expectations in the edition 2015. As I said, TICAL offers a unique opportunity for professionals from Latin America and we, Brazilians, are living a moment that promotes international cooperation and requires more interaction with our fellows of Latin America. We have much to share and, above all, to learn in community.

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