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FRIDA will award five initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean for their contribution to the development of the Internet in the region

FRIDAThe Regional Fund for Digital Innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean (FRIDA) announced on March 2, at the House of Internet of Latin America and the Caribbean, its third call in 2015.

(Source: LACNIC) The call "Premios+" will recognize and award the five best proposals in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), with emphasis on social inclusion and economic, social and cultural development of the region. In addition, this call includes non-repayable funds to deepen or replicate the initiative presented by the applicant organizations.

"The proponents have to prove that the initiative achieved concrete results in the moment of submit their candidature”, says Lara Robledo, responsible for the institutional cooperation of LACNIC.

Besides the award of USD 3,000, the call includes additional funding (USD 6,000) for whom present proposals of new activities related to the initiative that is being developed by the applicant organizations or the replication of the same in other contexts of the sub-regions.

The thematic areas of the “Premios+” are:

1. Devices, Infrastructure and Technologies. Acceleration and expansion of the access;
2. Creation and development of capabilities and content for the Sustainable Human Development;
3. Mobile Internet for social inclusion, growth, political participation and active citizenship;
4. Internet for promotion, guarantee and exercise of the Human Rights and fundamental freedoms.

The call will be open until the 10th of June.

For more information, visit:


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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