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March 26: Join the TICAL2015 Informative Day

46F8BBE8DECBADE6F5550E7D47160501F6B621787C9090E114pimgpsh fullsize distrThe TICAL Conference will reach its fifth edition in Viña del Mar, Chile, between 6 and 8 of July and has three open calls for papers. Do you need some information about them? Would you like to know more about the Conference? So sign up and join the TICAL2015 Informative Day.

Unique in its kind, since 2011 TICAL brings together the directors of Information and Communications Technologies in Latin America to discuss the issues that affect their functions and works in the universities of the region and strengthen the continuous improvement of their institutions.

At the TICAL2015 Informative Day, Ernesto Chinkes, president of the Conference Program Committee, Roberto Price, director of Informatics of the Catholic University of Chile, Tania Altamirano, coordinator of Communities of RedCLARA and Marcela Larenas, Studies Manager of RedCLARA, will present to the entire academic and research community of the national networks which are members of RedCLARA the objectives and themes of the event, and the benefits offered by RedCLARA to those whose papers become selected.

All the partner institutions of the national networks who are members of RedCLARA are invited to attend the TICAL2015 Informative Day through videoconference, registering its rooms until March 24 in the event web page ( and participating in the connection test session to be held in that day.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

15:00 GMT | Welcome and presentation
Tania Altamirano
General Coordinator of Communities

15:10 GMT | The TICAL Experience
Ernesto Chinkes
Chairman of the TICAL2015 Program Committee

15:30 GMT | Chile as the host of TICAL and the opportunities for participation
Roberto Price
Vice president of the TICAL2015 Program Committee
Director of Informatics
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

15:50 GMT | Thematic axes of this edition
Marcela Larenas

16:10 GMT | Questions and comments
Moderator: Tania Altamirano

For more information visit:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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