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Thursday, April 9th: TICAL Thematic Meeting on Security and CERT

encuentrotematico09042015The TICAL Thematic Meeting on Security and CERT, organized by RedCLARA as part of the collaborative activities of the Directors of Technology who form the TICAL Community, will take place this Thursday, April 9th.

The event will address the synergies between the collaboration of the CERT and the academic institutions through the Uruguayan experience, and the impact and challenges faced by the universities in the field of Security today. To reach it, representatives of the Universidad de la Republica (UdelaR) and CERTUy, both from Uruguay, will attend the meeting, telling about the collaboration experience developed in their country. Furthermore, the event will review the reasons why this type of initiative is a so valuable line of work to address the complex problems under Security.

Those interested in participating in the TICAL Thematic Meeting on Security and CERT through videoconference should complete the application form until this Wednesday, April 8th, and participate in the equipment testing session.

For more information about the event and about how to participate in it, please visit:


Thursday, April 9th, 2015

15:00 GMT | Welcome and connection adjustments
Marcela Larenas, RedCLARA, Chile

15:10 GMT | What is CERT (or CSIRT)? And what are its objectives and functions? The Experience of Uruguay
Eng. Ignacio Lagomarsino, CERTuy

15:30 GMT | The challenges of the University on Security today. Academic Vision / I+D
Dr. Eng and Eng Betarte Gustavo Alejandro Blanco - Faculty of Engineering, UdelaR

15:50 GMT | The technical aspects
Eng. Monica Soliño - SeCIU, UdelaR

16:10 GMT | Collaboration between CERT and universities: the experience of the University of the Republic and CERTUy in a mark of permanent collaboration and the challenges for the short and medium term
All panelists them

16:30 GMT | Questions and comments from participants in the classroom and streaming


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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