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Five questions to: Gabriela Bucceri, Argentina

Gabriela BucceriWe continue with our series "Five Questions to" and now our interviewed is the Argentine Gabriela Bucceri, who directs lead projects development and implementation of Academic Systems of Educational Technology, in support of Research and Information Services in the General Coordination of Information Technologies and Communications, under the Rector and Superior Council of the University of Buenos Aires.

Hello, Gabriela. Tell us a little about you and your formation.

Hi, I am a graduate of the University of Buenos Aires with a Bachelor degree in Information Systems Organizations and in Business Administration. I worked in different universities both public and private, always related to computer science and education areas. Currently, I lead projects development and implementation of Academic Systems of Educational Technology, in support of Research and Information Services in the General Coordination of Information Technologies and Communications, under the Rector and Superior Council of the University of Buenos Aires.

What was your first contact with the advanced networks and how do you evaluate its development since then?

My first contact with advanced networks was about 15 years ago when, with great effort, it was recently coming to Argentina and was very expensive for universities to acquire the links. From then until now, I believe that its development has grown exponentially, both in the possibilities that technology and links currently provide, and in the advantages that they offer for academic and research institutions, enabling them to integrate communities to share information among peers, access and share large databases, communicate and coordinate work easily between teachers and researchers from different geographical locations, as if they were in the same place, among other features that encourage collaborative spirit based teaching and research.

In a context like this, what is the importance of TICAL for the development of the networks and the professionals in the field of ICT?

Precisely in a context like this, TICAL helps us to know and be part of the networks as a way to taking the institutions in where we work to make better and more intense use of them and of technology in general. ICT professionals who work in educational institutions, faced numerous and similar problems and challenges both in our daily operations and in the strategic definitions that we are compelled to give in order to accompany institutional objectives. It is very valuable to have a scenario such as TICAL where we can share experiences and learn about other people, interacting with peers and knowing solutions given to each subject by other institutions. Also, it is a propitious environment to meet market trends and new developments in the services and technology providers field.

You participated in several TICAL editions and you have presented your work twice. What lessons did you take from these different experiences?

Yes, I participated in 2013 and 2014 as an author. Both editions have left me countless lessons from which I can include:

- The importance of being updated to be able to provide solutions to in force technological demands in education and research matters. We usually have reactive solutions to those problems that we face or to the requests made by our teachers and researchers, TICAL taught me and helped me to have a much more proactive atitude in technology applied to education and research, I was able to observe experiences and to learn certain subjects before they were submited to me as a necessity. I feel that I am now better prepared to advise and encourage greater use of advanced networks and to better accompany the institution following the technological trends.

How positive is to share experiences, many of us who work in this area are facing similar problems and I feel TICAL allowed me to contribute with something interesting through my presentations. I felt very honored by my colleagues and program authorities.

In general I have learned from my peers, from the lecturers and from the experiences of other universities, both Latin American and European. TICAL has given me a great professional, academic and personal enrichment.

Personally and professionally, what are your expectations for TICAL2015, to be held in Chile?

Personally, the whole atmosphere of TICAL has been impeccable, in the way that the staff relates with the audience, in the contention they give, in overall attendance, and also social and cultural activities organized around the event, are very enriching and fun.

Professionally, I hope it stays on the same line that so far has had, I hope to continue learning and sharing experiences, meeting people, forming networks, integrating communities, but I know that this year will not be the same, TICAL always improve, always surprises you. Argentina, Latin America, Europe: You cannot miss it!


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