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Get to know the TICAL2015 speaker Andrés Holguín, from Colombia

327E0C13-8282-484C-9959-A067C01B3AE4Not only from Europe and the United States will come the international speakers who will give life to the plenary sessions of TICAL2015. After the portuguese Eloy Rodrigues and the american Susan Grajek, we present the south american representative of our group of guests. He is Andrés Holguín, from Colombia.

Since 2006 Andrés Holguín is the coordinator of Technological Research, Innovation and Information Security at the Directorate of Services of Information and Technology (DSIT) of the University of the Andes, in Colombia, where he works since 2002. In this position, he is responsible for the Information Security. He is also responsible for advanced computing services for research and innovation.

Holguín is a Systems and Computing Engineer at the University of the Andes and has certifications in Information Security of ISCA CISM and SANS GCED.

Alongside with him in TICAL2015 will also be Manuel Moreno, from Mexico, and Hans Pongratz, from Germany, as well as Grajek and Rodriguez, early presented in this session. The TICAL2015 Conference will be held between July 6th and 8th of 2015, in Viña Del Mar, Chile.


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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