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Aligned mission: Microsoft joins RedCLARA for education and entrepreneurship

Acuerdo Microsoft-002The alliance was annouced during the Conference of ICT directors of the latin american universities, TICAL2015, in Viña del Mar, Chile.

(Source: Microsoft) In order to contribute to transform and provide the youth of Latin America and the Caribbean a better education with technology and new opportunities for learning, and strengthen the research in different sectors of the region, Microsoft announced that became business member of RedCLARA to collaborate and unite efforts and experiences towards this goal.

Both, RedCLARA an Microsoft, always showed their interest in generating changes that reverberate on the quality of life in Latin America and, under this goal, are working in order to allow the building of solid foundations in communities. These common factors promoted the development of a joint work schedule.

"We have the great opportunity to lead and create value for the education of young people; we combine leadership in research and the applied development of the institutions that are partners of RedCLARA with the most innovative technologies in software and hardware, as well as the various projects that we offer through Microsoft for the benefit of the community in the region and in the rest of the world", commented Alberto Bustamante, Director of of Microsoft’s Education Industry for Latin America.

Microsoft's incorporation as a business partner of the Latin American academic advanced network opens new activities opportunities for both organizations, among which we can mention:

  • Support entrepreneurship and innovation through programs like BizSpark, DreamSpark, Imagine Cup and the centers of incubation and technology of Microsoft
  • Participate in the communities driven by RedCLARA and its partners, with Microsoft vision, updates and expertise in the different technological issues which are addressed in these spaces.
  • Promote a generation of innovative teachers that has as a basis for their teaching techniques the technologies of information, to provide improvements in the education of young people.
  • Support the development of research and academic activity of educational institutions belonging to the network.

RedCLARA counts on a large number of universities and educational centers connected to each other through the National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) of the 13 countries that forms the association, that required, at their time, a support in infrastructure to enhance some projects and, consequently, the community. Microsoft has implemented plans in Latin America that provided that entrepreneurs can count, today, with small and medium enterprises that are marking difference in its environments.

"For RedCLARA it is very important to contribute to the generation of strong links between the academic and the business sectors in Latin America, especially in the sector of information technologies, as we are convinced that, together, we can build more prosperous societies, fully integrated to the Information Society. So we are very excited about the alliance with Microsoft, an undisputed leader in software and hardware with a demonstrated interest in education and innovation in our region", said Florencio Utreras, Executive Director of RedCLARA.

"Microsoft has more than 380,000 business partners around the world; 24,000 directly involved in initiatives of Education, of which 1800 are in Latin America. The synergy between Microsoft and RedCLARA will align the mission that each one has as an organization, with the certainty to get the best common results we now undertake and those we project for the future", concluded Alberto Bustamante.

About Microsoft
Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT") is the worldwide leader in software, services and Internet technology for personal and business computing. The company offers a wide range of products and services designed to enhance the qualities of the people through better software, anywhere, at any time and with any device.



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