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Within the framework of LA Referencia: IBICT launches the new version of its portal of scientific publications

oasisbrThousands of scientific publications produced in Brazil are more accessible to researchers and academics from around the world. All because it is already available the new version of the Brazilian Portal of Scientific Publications in Open Access, also known as oasisbr.

The announcement of the launch of the new version was made last July by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), institution in charge of the site. The objective is to gather the brazilian scientific publications in open access in one place, to facilitate the retrieval of these documents.

 "Oasisbr is an integrated and adaptive research platform for mobile devices that concentrates the results of repositories, digital libraries of thesis and dissertations, and electronic journals of open access in Brazil. There are over six hundred forty collected sources, where we aggregate thesis, articles and many other scientific productions. Oasisbr also offers a set of statistics on collections and on the aggregate material, through which we can establish an overview of the Brazilian production”, explains the coordinator of the Laboratory of Information Treatment and Dissemination of IBICT, Dr. Bianca Amaro.

To make the user experience even better, the page had significant changes in its interface. Another innovation is the upgrade of the system that makes the metadata harvesting of the participating institutions; this upgrade was a joint effort between engineers of IBICT and La Referencia who adapted the Vufind system. The platform also received components for collection and validation from LA Referencia software, as well as a new OAI module that is able to export over a million registers.

In the opinion of Bianca Amaro, the cooperation with the Latin American network was one of the keys to the success of the project. "There was a strong synergy between our professionals, who in four months came to a modular and appropriate solution that supports the expansion of oasisbr to new sources of information and enhances the scope of the open access in Brazil. This fulfills our institutional goal to organize and disseminate the Brazilian scientific information, providing greater visibility to the national scientific production. We will continue inviting the brazilian universities and research institutes to participate, to come and show to the world the results of its research. There is no doubt that the more we offer the research results, the faster we will advance in science. "

Through Oasisbr, it is possible to search and download approximately 1.2 million scientific publications in open access. There are over one million documents from Brazil and about 200,000 documents from Portugal, cause oasisbr also offers the productions of the Scientific Repository of Open Access of Portugal (RCAAP). The number makes the Brazilian portal the largest open access repository in Latin America.

It is also important to note that IBICT also adjusted for oasisbr important elements of its metadata, so that they are interoperable with international initiatives such as Driver and OpenAIRE, in Europe.

Get to know the new portal. Please visit:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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