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Between November 9th and 13th: join the Week of Ubiquitous and Collaborative Environments of Teaching and Learning

The event, which will count on the participation of speakers from Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica and Spain, will be held by videoconference and feature live webcast.

The Iberoamerican Network of support of teaching-learning professional skills processes through ubiquitous and collaborative environments (U-CSCL) invites for a week of of activities around the u-Learning, or ubiquitous learning, in order to open spaces for the sharing of experiences on training activities supported on technology.

The program will include the presentation of the objectives and achievements of the network, models of teaching (educational and technological), successful experiences of ubiquitous and collaborative learning, as well as advances and the future network lines.

All the institutions which are members of the national networks connected to RedCLARA are invited to participate through video conference by completing the application form until November 6, 2015.

Important dates
06/11/2015 | Last day to complete and submit the registration form
06/11/2015 | Unique and mandatory equipment test
9-13/11/2015 | Week of Ubiquitous and Collaborative Environments of Teaching and Learning
(only the videoconference rooms that carried out its test equipment may attend the event)

More information at:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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