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November 5th: Next edition of the TICAL Thematic Meeting will present the project “Multipresença”, developed by a working group of RNP

Multipresencia"Multipresença: an adaptable, scalable and interoperable system for collaboration and communication by video, from mobile devices to 4K devices" is the name of the initiative that will be presented this Thursday, November 5th, in the next edition of the cycle of thematic meetings of the TICAL Community. To participate through videoconference, register until November 3rd. The activity will be broadcasted live through streaming


The main objective of Multipresença is to create a videoconferencing system that allows the use of any communication device, regardless the network bandwidth and the place where the participant is. The solution makes a better use of resources because it allows the creation of multi-purpose rooms for:

  • Meetings of the project
  • Telepresence
  • Interactive class
  • Seminars and workshops
  • Monitoring center

The project, on a more basic version, was presented at TICAL2015, last July, in Viña del Mar, Chile.

After the beginning of the development of the experimental prototype, Multipresença now seeks the support of partners in Latin America interested in accelerating the development of the initiative or implement a similar system in their institutions. Therefore, the thematic meeting is a good opportunity for the community to know the state of the project progress, which has the support of the Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP), Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), and Mconf technology.

A video with a detailed explanation, with English subtitles, is available at

Agenda: Thursday, November 5th, 2015

15:00 GMT | Welcome and connection settings
Marcela Larenas, RedCLARA, Chile

15:10 GMT | Multipresença system - Overview and demo
Valter Roesler (UFRGS - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)

15:40 GMT | Integration of Mconf web conference system with Multipresença
Felipe Cecagno (Mconf Technology)

16:00 GMT | Integration of SAGE2 collaboration system with Multipresença
Leandro Ciuffo (RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa)

16:20 GMT | Round of questions and comments from participants in the room and streaming.
Moderator: Marcela Larenas


- Last day to fill the registration form: Tuesday, 03/11/2015, until 18h UTC

- Unique and mandatory equipment test: Wednesday, 04/11/2015 between 16h and 18h UTC
(only those who completed all the fields of the registration form may participate)

- TICAL Thematic Meeting: Thursday, 05/11/2015 between 15h and 17h30 UTC
(only the rooms that performed the equipment test can participate)

For more information:


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects