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TICAL 2016: call for Young Innovators


For the third consecutive year, the TICAL Conference will hold a meeting that will bring together young students and researchers who are developing innovative technology-based projects. This time, however, the focus will be on projects that benefit the academic world, in order to publicize their progress and find ways to advance in the innovation process. For each one of the selected works to be presented in TICAL2016, the event organizers will pay an airline ticket (round trip) to the author of it (or to one of them, in case of collective works) to present it at the Conference.


The current university scenario shows an environment of constant change and must respond to the new demands and challenges generated by phenomena such as globalization, the personalization of learning, interconnected society, open science, research networking, among others.

It is every day bigger the number of young students who demonstrate great innovative potential to generate and deliver new ways of working. This potential, if taken to the field of ideas, can result in significant improvements in different areas. TICAL2016 calls these young students to propose innovations based on information technology and managing substantial changes in university institutions in order to meet the challenges of our time. The projects approved by the Programme Committee will have a space to be presented at the Conference, to be held at the Golden Center, in Buenos Aires (Argentina), between the 13th and 15th of September, 2016.

Call Objective

To promote ICT projects produced by young students, enabling universities to identify initiatives that help to generate positive changes in any part of the institution's work.

Format of the projects

The document must be sent in PDF format with a minimum of four and maximum of six pages, focused on one of four themes that will be worked on TICAL2016 Conference.

  • ICT solutions that promote education
  • ICT solutions that promote research
  • ICT solutions for managing
  • ICT Solutions for extension and university linkage

The submitted project should develop the following sections:

  • Project's goal
  • Overview of the proposal
  • Expected results (deliverables) that the university would receive at the end of the project
  • Benefits that the project will bring to the university


The call will be open from April 18th to June 13th, 2016.


Projects may be submitted by graduation or postgraduation students of Latin American universities, individually or by group.


The works will be selected by TICAL2016 Programme Committee. If there are two chosen by country, the Chief Executive Officer of the corresponding national network will decide for one of them. After the final selection, the author of the work (or one of them, in the case of collective works) will be asked to present it at the Conference. The airline tickets will be paid by TICAL2016.

Among the criteria of evaluation, priority will be given to projects with:

  • Innovative Character
  • Relevance to the university community
  • Feasibility
  • Impact of potential for the transformation of the university

Submission of proposals

The projects must be sent to The subject must be: TICAL2016 Jóvenes innovadores. In the body of the email must be included the name of the project and the contact information of the person responsible for it (full name, university, travel, country, telephone, email).


All questions and inquiries should be directed to the TICAL team through the e-mail

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects