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Telecommunication Day recognition is awarded to Florencio Utreras

florencioThe Undersecretariat of Telecommunications of Chile (SUBTEL) created in 2015 the " Telecommunication Day Recognition " to honor important people for their contribution and work in the development of this important area of the technology.

(Fuente: REUNA, Subtel) This distinction is given on the occasion of the "International Day of Telecommunications and Information Society". In 2015, the award was presented for the first time and given to José Miguel Piquer, from NIC Chile.

In 2016, the award was handed to Florencio Utreras, mathematical engineer at the University of Chile and PhD in Engineering by the University of Grenoble (France). Utreras is a major actor in the development of the Internet and academic networks in Latin America for more than two decades. Between 1994 and 2004, he played the role of executive director of the University National Network of Chile (REUNA). During this time, Utreras played a key role in connecting Chile to the global computer networks. This process had its major milestone in 2000, when the country became the first South American country to connect to Internet2, the academic network of the United States. At the same time, he worked as professor of applied mathematics in Chile and as a visiting scholar at universities and research centers in France, Italy and the United States. He is currently the Executive Director of RedCLARA, the network of Advanced Internet in Latin America.

Telecommunication Day

The "International Day of Telecommunications and Information Society" (DMTSI) aims to raise awareness on the use of the Internet and on what other information and communications technologies can help society and the economy, as well as its importance in reducing the digital divide.

The date for this celebration was established in November 2006, when the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) decided to celebrate it, in order to stimulate reflection and exchange of ideas on various communications-related issues and technologies.


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