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Paraguay concretes its connection to RedCLARA

27520983600 1ce42316a8 zDuring the last 20th of June, in Asunción, and counting on the presence of the national President, Horacio Cartes, the Minister of the National Secretariat of Information and Communication Technologies (Senatics), David Ocampos, of executive authorities and researchers, and of Eduardo Grizendi, member of RedCLARA’s directive council and Director of Engineering and operations of RNP, the Paraguayan academic network ARANDU was reopened and celebrated its connection to RedCLARA.

The paraguayan connection to the Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (CLARA) was expected for many years and is the result of a work begun during the ALICE project and continued in ALICE2; it has always been one of the persistent aims of RedCLARA. The alliance will be through the Academic Advanced Network ARANDU and allows the country to get access to a technology infrastructure for high performance research, development, innovation and education.

The minister David Ocampos celebrated the connection to the advanced Latin American network. "Now, a Paraguayan researcher can postulate in any of the thousands of projects that are opened worldwide and be part of research teams that include scientists from different countries. Also, being connected to RedCLARA, researchers can make real their designs and prototypes, using all the resources available worldwide, such as simulators, supercomputers, etc”.

Through video, the Executive Director of RedCLARA, Florencio Utreras said. "Today we managed to connect Paraguay, which is a victory for many people. I'm happy because we can integrate them to the collaboration of our organization activities because RedCLARA is a collaborative network that favors the development of collaborative projects between researchers, between institutions of universities, including research centers throughout the region and, from it, for the whole world”, stated Utreras.

The relaunch event of the paraguayan academic network and its connection to RedCLARA was organized by SENATICs, CONACYT and ITAIPU Binational, with the support of the National University, the Association of Private Universities and COPACO.

* With informations of Senatics


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