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REUNA promotes "Research and Education Network: collaborate to advance" seminar

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Chilean and international experts in research and university education will be meeting on October 12 and 13 at the University of Chile.


(Source: REUNA) In order to establish a space for debate and reflection on challenges and opportunities for institutions of higher education and science, the National University Network of Chile, REUNA, is organizing the seminar "Research and Education Network: collaborate to advance." Different actors of research, higher education and university management will attend the event, aiming to build an agenda to boost collaborative and networking work in the region.

The meeting will be held on October 12 and 13, 2016, in the Auditorium Enrique d'Etigny, at the Beauchef Campus of the University of Chile. The key speakers are Jamil Salmi, international expert on higher education reforms; Andrés Couve, director of the Millennium Institute of Biomedical Neuroscience (BNI); and Jesús G. Boticario, international specialist in the use of ICT for online education.

The seminar program also includes panel discussions and the presentation of chilean exhibitors that will show different initiatives of cases of interdisciplinary and interinstitutional collaboration. This event is sponsored by the Cooperation for the Promotion of Production (CORFO) and the Millenium Scientific Initiative (ICM).

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