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Discover "How to use Office 365 with Moodle, in Azure"

The University Corporation for Internet Development (CUDI), Microsoft and e-ABC Learning invite you to participate in the one-hour online seminar, which will explain how to use Office 365 tools with Moodle in Azure. The webinar will be held next Friday, November 11, at 11:00 am from Mexico City (17:00 GMT).

The three organizations propose to launch a powerful technology in the universities and other educational institutions of the country, which involves the implementation and integration of Microsoft tools - everyday use between teachers and students - to the open source learning management platform: Moodle . In this way, they can improve their statistics, obtain faster backups, achieve higher levels of security and efficiency for students and teachers.

Participation is free and digital certificates of participation will be delivered. To participate, it is necessary to carry out the connection test on Thursday, November 10 at 11:00 AM. The session will be held on Skype for Business.

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Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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